Peerless Quest
[hide]Peerless Quest Information
This information is player submited.
More information to come.
Travesty Keys
More information to come.
Grizzle Keys
More information to come.
Melisande Keys
More information to come.
Paroxymos Keys
Shimmering Effusion is located in Trammel or Felucca Nujel'm.
It's located all the way to the north and you will see Lefty
the ticket seller standing outside. You need to accept Lefty's
quest remove 10k gold from your ledger and mark the gold as a
quest item. Now you are ready to walk down the ladders and into
the dungeon. Inside the first room you need to travel to the hole
in the floor and jump thru it to get to the 2nd floor. On the 2nd
floor there is a old game on the floor where you try and step on
the sparkle to get transported to the room with the first key in
it. (you can use the green gate now if you like)In this room you
will find Crystal Demons which you must slay for Scattered Crystals.
Once you get your crystals move onto the next room where you will
find Crystal Hydras and Sea Serpents they both have a chance to drop
your second key the Shattered Crystal. The Hydra also drops the Crushed
Crystals. Get your keys and head to the Southwest corner where you
will find another hole to jump thru.
In this new room you get Jagged Crystals off the Crystal Elemental
and the hole to get onto the next room is straight to the East.
Now on this floor if you need to step out of combat for a minute
follow the dirt path out a cave to a little encampment where you
will find vendors and safety. When you return you will find the
Crystal Warrior (white ethereal warrior) and he contains the
Peices of Crystal grab this key up and head to the west where
you will see a big white crystal hut. Head inside and run to the
white portal. It takes you to the final room for keys where the
Protectors and Unfrozen Mummys will both drop the final key
Broken Crystal. Clear the rest of the mobs and you will see 6
small pillars around a table these are where you drop your keys
to get into the bosses room.
Peices #
Jagged # # Broken
Scattered # # Crushed
# Shattered
Shimmering Keys
- Scattered Crystals
- Shattered Crystals
- Jagged Crystals
- Crushed Crystals
- Peices of Crystal
- Broken Crystals
More information to come.
Stygian Keys
Dread Horn
Dread Horn is located in a sparkle inside the Mushroom Cave under Ishnear dungeons.
Walk past the spawn and head for the desert while walking through pickup a Thorny Briar.
Continue on thru the desert and you will come to a Cave inside is Gnaw and some dire
wolves. Gnaw is who you have to kill to get Gnaws Fang which is another key you need.
Leave the cave and head into the swamp. You will see many creatures here most are just
trash mobs but a couple contain keys. Look around the ground in the swamp for Blighted Cotten it spawns randomly thru out the swamp. Lady Sabrix contains Sabrix Eye Lady
Lythisth contains Lythisth Silk and finally Irk an orange Changling contains Irks brain
slay him to get your final key to get into Dread Horn. Now head to the bottom of the
swamp and you will see a little angel statue surrounded by rocks. This is where you drop
your keys to enter Dread Horn to kill him and Move on with your Peerless Quest.