[hide]Chat Commands
Set Online Status
You have several options for privacy to choose from on the chat gump:
Select your Status:
Online - Shows other players you are online
Away - Shows that you are away from your keyboard
Busy - Busy means you are not wanting other players to interrupt you
Hidden - Hidden means other players cannot see your online status and you do not want to be contacted
Channel Selection
You have several channels in game to monitor. The main channel is the public chat [c which is the default. You can add additional channels by opting into them. Type [c to bring up the chat gump, then select "M" for the channel/option menu. Check the box of the channels that you want to follow in chat.
Trade Channel [tr - This channel is for talking about buying and selling items
Player vs Player [pvp - This channel is for talking about PVP
New Players [new - This is for new players looking for help
Roleplay Channel [rp
Trivia Contest Channel [trivia
UODarwinism IRC [irc - This is our irc chat room
Set Chat Color
Type [c to bring up the chat gump, then select "M" for the channel/option menu. Then select History to view your currently selected channels history.
Chat History Gump
Type [c to bring up the chat gump, then select "M" for the channel/option menu. Then select color and change the colors to your preference.
Ignoring a Player
If a player is bothering you or you do not wish to have any contact with them you can add them to your chat ignore list by selecting "i" next to their name on the player chat list.
You can also select "hidden" on the status selection and the offending player will not see you online or be able to contact you.
Many players enjoy this option because it's "old school" or "roleplay" style and disable chat so that the only contact they have is the text chat in-game when they actually encounter another player
[c <insert text> - To chat in Global Chat
[c - To open the Chat Options Menu, then make selections
[g - To open your Guild Menu
[g <insert text> - To chat in guild
[tr <insert text> - To chat in the trade channel
/ <insert text> - To chat in party
[AddToParty <persons name> - To invite someone to party
[pm <persons name> - To send a private message
[deathannounce - To enable/disable announcing your death to the public(disabled atm)
[cs <spell name> - Use this as a shortcut to casting your spells (examples: [cs purge , [cs fireball) provided you have the appropriate spellbook in your backpack
[claim - To claim all the gold on a corpse as well as a bonus for the creature's difficulty, this will also claim dirt, ointments, arrows and bandages
[claim -t - Lets you select the items you want to collect
[claimall - To claim all of the items on the corpse
[grab - To pick up gold in an area
[help - Lists the commands in game
[mystats - Opens a gump and displays your stats
[afk - Type [afk <insert message> This means you are away from keyboard
[time - Type [time to see the server time
[seekills - Type [seekills
[broadcastkills - Type [broadcastkills
[viewequip - Type [viewequip This lets you see a gump with all of your equipment you are wearing
[bs - Type [bs to bandage self
[e - Type [e to do different emotes
[follow - Follows another player
[BoatControl - Shows a gump to control a boat.
[MatchMaking - Type [MatchMaking to find other players who want to party
[motd - To open the News, Events, and Change Log Gump
Important Phrases
"I must consider my sins" - This will show you your character's long term and short term murders
I resign from my guild - Saying this while guilded will remove you from it
[factionkick - Removes you from a Faction
Vendor buy - When said near a Vendor NPC, this bypasses clicking them and selecting "Buy"
Vendor sell - When said near a Vendor NPC, this bypasses clicking them and selecting "Sell"
I will take thee - When said near a Noble NPC, this bypasses clicking them and selecting "Accept Escort"
Destination - When said near a Noble NPC, they will tell you where they wish to be escorted to
Bank - When near a Banker or Bank Stone say this to open your bankbox
Guards - When you are under attack and in a Guarded Zone, say this and your foe will be vanquished so rapidly that it won't even leave a corpse
Cross - Say this to use the ferry to cross between Skara Brae and the Mainland
Stable - When near an Animal Trainer NPC, this will allow you to put a pet in the stables (only really useful for Bio-pets)
Claim - When near an Animal Trainer NPC, this will bring up a menu of all Stabled pets, allowing you to take them out
Recdu - Say this while standing on the pentagram in Encyclopedia Magicka (North side of Moonglow Island) to be taken to the Papua Mage shop
Recsu - Say this while standing on the pentagram in the Papua Mage shop to be taken to North Moonglow
Doracron - When said near the Serpent Pillars in Brittania, this will teleport you (and your boat) to the Lost Lands
Sueacron - When said near the Serpent Pillars in the Lost Lands, this will teleport you (and your boat) to Brittania
Pet Commands
[getpet - If you lose the location of a pet, you can use this command to summon it, for a price
All Guard - All pets will Guard you, attacking the nearest enemy that has attacked you, note that your pets will not engage the enemies you have attacked
<Name> Guard - <Name>d pet will Guard you
All Follow - All pets will follow the creature you target, can say "All Follow Me" to bypass the target cursor
<Name> Follow - <Name>d pet will follow the creature you target
All Come - Same as "All Follow Me"
<Name> Come - Same as "<Name> Follow Me"
All Kill - All pets will engage the creature you target (non-player unless in the PvP Dungeon) <Name> Kill - <Name>d pet will engage the creature you target (non-player unless in the PvP Dungeon)
All Stop - All pets will Stop following any previous commands and begin to wander around
<Name> Stop - <Name>d pet will Stop following any previous commands
All Stay - All pets will stay in their current spot (unless attacked)
<Name> Stay - <Name>d pet will stay in its current spot
<Name> Drop - <Name>d pet will unload its backpack onto the ground
<Name> Release - Brings up a gump allowing you to release <Name>d pet back to the wild
<Name> Transfer - Brings up a Trade Screen between you and the targeted player, allowing you to transfer the <Name>d pet to them
<Name> Hire - When said near a Hireling NPC (usually found in the Jhelom Dueling Pit) the <Name>d NPC will tell you how much gold their services require
Boat Commands
For these to work you must be standing on a boat.
Raise Anchor - Raises the anchor, required before setting off on your journey
Drop Anchor / Lower Anchor - Drops the anchor, required before you dry-dock the boat
Forward / Unfurl Sail - Move the boat forward
Stop / Furl Sail - Stop the boat from moving
Turn Left / Port - Turn the boat left
Turn Right / Starboard - Turn the boat right
Turn Around / Come About - Turn the boat around
Back / Backward / Backwards - Move the boat backwards
Right / Drift Right - Move the boat right
Left / Drift Left - Move the boat right
Forward Right / Forward Left / Back Right / Back Left - Move the boat in the specified direction
Slow (Direction) - Move the boat slowly in the specified direction
(Direction) One - Move the boat one tile in the specified direction then stops
Start - After plotting a course on a map or sea chart and handing it to the Tillerman, say this and he will move the boat along that course
Goto (Number) - After plotting a course on a map or sea chart and handing it to the Tillerman, say this and he will move the boat to the specified Nav Point number, then continue along the course
Single (Number) - Same as above, but the Tillerman will not continue the course after reaching the desired Nav Point
Nav - The Tillerman will tell you what Nav Point you are heading to
Continue - If the boat is Stopped while on a course, this will resume following it
House Commands
For these to work you must be standing in a house you own (or co-own, or are friended to, for some).
I wish to lock this down (Co-Owner+) - Say this to 'Lock Down' an item, preventing it from decaying or people from taking it
I wish to secure this (Owner) - Same as above but works better with containers, allows you to set the 'Security' (Owner, Co-Owners, Friends, Anyone) on a container
I wish to release this (Co-Owner+) - Say this to release an item that is Locked Down, only the Owner can release Secured containers
I wish to place a trash barrel (Co-Owner+) - Creates a trash barrel at your feet, which has a 3-minute timer on when inserted items are deleted
I wish to place a strongbox (Co-Owner) - Creates a strongbox at your feet, which only can be accessed by the person who's name is on it
Remove thyself (Friend+) - Ejects the target from the house
I ban thee (Friend+) - Puts the target on the house's Ban List, preventing them from entering the house until they are removed
Loot Bag Set Up/Commands
- Type [claim -t or [grab -t - target lootbag
- Use the lootbag gump that appears to remove/add any items you would like your character to loot. Please bear in mind that if you leave the default items on your bag you will loot ALL Armor and Jewelry-which can quickly overload your character.
- [Claim Claims all loot which you have previously set up off any corpse you target
- [Grab Claims all loot which you have previously set up off corpses in an area
- [Claim -c Will cut a corpse before claiming loot- remember to add the resources you want to claim to your lootbag list-also again keep in mind you can quickly become overweight