Rune Crafting

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Runecrafting is currently the most powerful yet most dangerous way of improving the strength of your gear.


First order of business entails getting the prerequisite skills.
120 magery as well as 120 inscription is preferred to avoid any loss of runes before actually applying them.

To create runes you first need to gather rough stones.
Rough stones can be dropped as loot from Colossi within Colossus Dungeon as well as from mining. A rune chisel must be purchased from the Runecrafter in Darwin City.
When you have your chisel and rough stones you can start by crafting a blank rune.
Once this is done its time to decide which bonus you wish to apply, chose the right rune and craft it.
If successfull a rune will be created in your backpack.
Double click the rune and target your equipment in mind. If successful the item will be imbued by a random amount of the bonus you chose.

Bear in mind, all runecrafting attempts have a 1/6 chance of destroying the item you are trying to runecraft.

Rune list

Syllable   Effect
Aglo    Durability Bonus
Ahm	Spell channeling
An	Hit dispel
Arma	Use best  weapon skill
Bal	Hit leech Stam
Beh	Regen stam	
Bet	Hit magic arrow
Cah	Mage armor / weapon
Char	Hit lower defence
Corp	Inc. spell damage
Del	Resist cold
Des	Hit lower attack
Dium	Resist physical bonus
Ex	Bonus stam
Flam	Resist fire
Flamus	Hit Fire Area
Frio	Hit cold area
Furis	Hit energy area
Gra	Hit leech hits
Grav	Hit physical area
Hur	Resist energy
In 	Luck
Jux	Hit harm
Kal	Hit fireball
Lor	Night Sight
Lum	Lower stat requirments
Malas	Hit poison area
Mani	Bonus hits
Mu	Regen hits
Nox	Resist posion bonus
Om	Regen mana
Ort	Bonus mana
Pas	Lower mana cost
Por	Bonus dex
Quas	Hit leech mana
Ra	Defend chance
Rel	Self repair
Sanct	Reflect physical
Sar	Inc. weapon damage
Summ	Cast recovery
Tym	Swingspeed Increase
Um 	Cast speed
Uus	Attack chance
Vas	Bonus str
Wis	bonus int
Xen	hit lightning
Ylem	Lower reg cost
Zu	Enhance potions